Bc. Štěpán Frk, DiS.

Riksha Driver/Guide

Bc. Štěpán Frk, DiS.
  • žena1
  • muž1
  • angličtina

Brigáda již není inzerována

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Pracovní náplň

You will offer sightseeing tours with basic commentary about historic sights and transfers. Rikshas are modern and comfortable and have small engine.
During waiting for customers you can read or study. Working dates are flexible.
You will find more about our services on: www.rikshaexperience.com


I will rent you riksha for a day. You will pay me rent and all money from customers are yours. Average profit of the Driver/Guide for a day is 2000 CZK after paying rent. You will get training and support from me.
You will enjoy communicating with people from all around the world and independence.
If you are interested, we can meet and you can try driving and get complete info about the job. If you still like it after that and I will belive that you can cope with it you can try your first half day without paying rent.


You should be fluent in English. Other language skills are a big plus. Czech language is not necessary, but basic would be useful. This job suits the most to sporty communicative people with interest in Prague architecture.


JazykyMluvená úroveňPsaná úroveň

Konfekční údaje a věk

Věknad 18 let

Lokalita brigády

Praha 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 a 8